Births – England and Wales, 1838 – 1907 for Donoghue, Donohue, Donohoe, O’Donoghue, O’Donohue
This data has been extracted from the FreeBMD site. It is not a complete record as input is being continuously made. The reference numbers are those of the volumes and page numbers of the books at the Family Records Centre in London.
O’Kief, Coshe Mange, Slieve Lougher and Upper Blackwater in Ireland by Albert Eugene Casey,MD
Volume 14:
Baptisms, Killarney,R.C.Parish 1865-1900
O’Kief, Coshe Mange, Slieve Lougher and Upper Blackwater in Ireland by Albert Eugene Casey,MD
Volume 8:
Baptisms, Glenfesk,R.C.Parish, 1862-1894
Baptisms, Killarney,R.C.Parish, 1840-1865
O’Kief, Coshe Mange, Slieve Lougher and Upper Blackwater in Ireland by Albert Eugene Casey,MD
Volume 7:
1. Marriages, Killarney R.C. Church, 1839-1900
2. Baptisms, Glenflesk R.C. Parish, 1820-1832
3. Baptisms, Killarney R.C. Church, 1833-1840
4. Baptisms, Glenflesk R.C Parish, 1832-1862
5. Marriages, Glenflesk R.C.Parish, 1831-1900
O’Kief, Coshe Mange, Slieve Lougher and Upper Blackwater in Ireland by Albert Eugene Casey,MD
Volume 6:
1. Baptisms, Killarney R.C.Parish, 1803-1833
O’Kief, Coshe Mange, Slieve Lougher and Upper Blackwater in Ireland by Albert Eugene Casey,MD
Volume 5:
1. Marriages, Barony of Magunihy, Kerry, 1871-1900, from the Register General’s Office Dublin
2. Baptisms, Killarney and Fossa R.C. Parishes, 1785-1803
3. Marriages, Killarney and Fossa R.C.Parishes, 1792-1839
4. Priests and Curates, Killarney and Fossa R.C. Parishes, 1785-1805