Birth of San Francisco

The Donahue brothers, Joseph A Donohoe and others played a major part in this city's early development. I have lots of material for this one thanks to Gene O’Sullivan of SF.

Short term objective
A journal article

Find someone to work with me on this one

Plantations of Ireland

Elizabeth I started this 'invasion' and the effect on the native Irish was extreme. O'Donoghues all over Ireland suffered

Short term objective
A journal article

Next Stages
Find someone to take this on

History of the Irish in Scotland

The Irish migrated to Scotland in ancient times and have been doing so ever since. This project would address this pattern with Ó Donnchadha/O'Donoghue case studies.

Short term objective
A journal article

Next Stages
Find someone to take this on

Roll of honour

There are many people of the name who have won the top awards in their field. Military valour is the obvious example eg Patrick Donohue won the Victoria Cross in 1857.

This project would uncover all the people from all over the world who have won the ultimate accolade in their country

Short term objective
A initial journal article telling some of the stories

Next Stages
An initial listing (mainly US) done
Need to get more input from other countries

Irish pioneers and the settlement of USA

The stories of the settling of the new worlds are remarkable to modern folk.  This project addresses overall immigration and settlement patterns and describes specific O'Donoghue cases

There were numerous points of entry: Ellis Island is the best known point of entry but there were many others including migrants through Canada.

The project would address the how and when of Irish migration and track  a sample of people and their movements to final destinations


Journal articles
April 2002 Tracing my Duniho ancestry – the trail in the USA
October 2004 John Donohoo (1756-1815) of Nelson County, Kentucky and his descendants
January to April 2005 The Donahoos of Maryland
January 2006 The Oregon Trail – Donahoe/Donahue tales
July 2007 Emeralds in the Bluegrass – The Irish of Early Kentucky
April 2008 A Dunnahoo in the Old West
April 2008 The Americanization of Dennis – My Donoghue family story
April 2010 The Acre – A place of new beginnings
April 2011 to January 2012 From Glenflesk to Northfield, Vermont
October 2012 October Challenge Who was the first recorded O’Donoghue in the USA?
April 2016 Donahues of Holyoke, Mass and the lost gravestone

Next Stages

Encourage more involvement

US – Mexican War 1846-8

The Mexican War between the United States and Mexico began with a Mexican attack on American troops along the southern border of Texas on Apr. 25, 1846. Fighting ended when U.S. Gen. Winfield Scott occupied Mexico City on Sept. 14, 1847; a few months later a peace treaty was signed (Feb. 2, 1848) at Guadalupe Hidalgo. In addition to recognizing the U.S. annexation of Texas defeated Mexico ceded California and, New Mexico (including all the present-day states of the Southwest) to the United States.

has a number of people of the name
John Donaho was of the Kentucky Mustangs who apparently were massacred at Goliad
by the Mexican General Santa Ana

Next Stages
Find someone to take it on as original person has withdrawn

1880s worldwide census data base

I have this concept of a data base of linked families. A traditional One Name Study in the UK would list all BDMs, Census records, wills etc, but that's just too tall an order for a worldwide name like ours. However perhaps we can come at it from the middle so to speak.

Thanks to Diane Donohue's efforts we have the 1881 UK Census and some 1901 on the site. If we could get the same data for other countries at a similarish date we would have a record of all families at that point in time. Then we could ask people to search the data base to find their own families and provide the links where known and the pedigree back as far as they have it (these could go on the existing Genealogical Data area). This would help us with the DNA paper trail as well. The date would have to be fairly recent to make it feasible and 1881 or later would be about right. Once the data base was in place I think we could get quite a bit of momentum going with people searching and connecting.

The 1880 Census is on-line for the US and I am not sure where else, but a small group could take it on. It would provide a central date to work with and then perhaps go from there. It is quite a big project but aren't they all! If we look at it as a long term project it may not be quite so daunting. People sometimes think things have to be done in a week, but this may take years.

Perhaps if I presented it in small sections on how to go about it, using the 1881 as a basis for people to start with, could it work ? It would certainly be worth while.

Diane also had the thought that Ship Transcript lists – if available for around the 1881 + dates could also be included.

Short term objective
Try to get a team together

Costs Involved
The society will cover any essential costs

Next Stages
Do regular communications to try to stimulate interest

Irish Civil War

This period of Irish history, like every civil war anywhere, was one of great distress and bloodshed and O'Donoghues fought on both sides.


Journal article
October 2012 to January 2013 The War of Independence: Paddy O’Donoghue and Manchester

Next Stages

More can be done

Fenians and the movements that followed

The Fenians (and those movements that followed) were central to Irish history from around the middle of the nineteenth century to the Civil War. They had great influence in North America and other parts of the British Empire. This project would research that period and O'Donoghue participation.


October 2003 'The Fenian movement and The O’Donoghue MP' covered the period to 1868
April 2007 'The Fenians and events to the War of Independence (1919)

Next Stages
Encourage other contributors