Wild Geese

This was the name given to Irish soldiers who left Ireland in 17th and 18th centuries to fight in the Catholic armies of Europe. There were many O'Donoghues amongst them

Journal articles
January 2010  The Irish in the armies of Europe – Part One: 1580-1660
July 2012 to October 2012 The O’Donnoghues of Geldrop and Niel – Their place in Munster and European history
July 2015 to April 2016 The Adventures of Juan Ó Donojú (Part One)

Next Stages
Research the O'Donoghues of Sèvres with a known descendant


There are many townlands and parishes in Ireland carrying our name. This project would research their origin

Research done and journal articles produced

April to July 2011 Townlands – their history and our name

Project completed

Irish education over the centuries (incl. hedge schools)

From the monkish schools of the fifth century to the effect of the Penal Laws on education for Irish Catholics (incl.the hedge schools)is a great area for research. There have been many teachers of the name.

Short term objective
A first journal article in a potential series

Next Stages
Find someone to take this on

American British conflict of 1812-15

This is not well known as an event in British American history but many people of the name took part

Short term objective
A journal article

Next Stages
Find someone to take this on

Irish pioneers and settlement in South Africa

The stories of the settling of the new worlds are remarkable to modern folk.  This project addresses overall immigration and settlement patterns and describes specific O'Donoghue cases

The how and when of Irish migration with O'Donoghue case studies including the Chevalier Henry O'Donoghue and other pioneers


Journal articles
October 2006 Larry O'Donoghue Irish settlement in South Africa in the nineteenth century
October 2013 October challenge: Who was the first recorded O’Donoghue in South Africa

Next Stages
Work with other folk in South Africa


Gold Rush in Australia

This was an extraordinary period and some of our family histories in the journal have related stories. This project would examine the background history and the many people, businesses and places of the name involved


Journal article
April 2006 Cratloe to Bendigo

Next Stages

Find some people to take this on.

Gold Rush of American West

This was an extraordinary period and some of our family histories in the journal have related stories. This project would examine the background history and the many people, businesses and places of the name involved

Journal articles 
July 2006 John W. Donihue, Ghost of the Goldrush

Much more could be done

Next Stages
Find some people to take this on.

Viking period in Ireland

From their arrival in the 8th C. these people had a dramatic effect on Irish history and O'Donoghues were impacted severely. Domhnall Ó Donnchadha and others were prominent at the battle of Clontarf in 1014

Short term objective
A journal article

Next Stages
Find someone to tackle this

Boston Irish

Boston has been an Irish city from earliest immigration times. The history of the city and the part played by people of our name.

Short term objective
A biography of Patrick Donahoe, the Boston publisher, appeared in the July 2001 society journal.
A second journal article might have a wider brief.

Next Stages
Find someone to write the second article