The Irish of (individual American states)

This project will research the history of the Irish in individual American states and portray the contribution made by O'Donoghues (however spelt) to their development.

Journal articles
October 2008 The Donahos of Texas
July 2007  Emeralds in the Bluegrass – The Irish of Early Kentucky
January to April 2005 The Donahoos of Maryland


The Irish of Latin America

The Irish played a notable part in the history of Latin America

Short term objectives

To research the O'Donoghue involvement

To write a journal article


July 2015 to April 2016 The Adventures of Juan Ó Donojú (Mexico)
January 2015 Thomas Donohoe introduced football to Brazil – fact

Next step

Find someone to tackle the subject

Irish clerics in the European colleges of the 17th and 18th centuries

Irish monks and priests have operated on the continent of Europe throughout time but in these centuries, because of the Penal Laws, Irish colleges, such as Louvain, grew up around the Catholic countries.  Many O'Donoghues were in them either as clerics, teachers or as students.


Journal article
January 2014 Irish priests in Toulouse


Next stage

Need someone to cover other colleges

The monasteries and Church in Medieval Ireland

The state of the church in Ireland was not good and the stories of the clerics' behaviour most 'interesting'


July 2002 Some abbeys and monasteries with O’Donoghue connections
October 2002: 'The religious orders and more monasteries with O’Donoghue connections'
July 2003: 'Religious O’Donoghues in Galway and the state of the Church in the fifteenth century '
January 2009 More abbeys and ancient clerics of the name

There is so much more to cover from the 5th C. onwards

Next stages

Find someone to address the subject

The rapparee

This name arose in the 17th C. when the Penal Laws were in place in Ireland.  Irregular or guerilla action against the English was fairly constant and continued throughout the 18th C.  Rapparee meant an irregular soldier or freebooter – a lawless adventurer or outlaw.


January 2004 Captain Right – The Rightboy movement and the Tithe Wars which described the exploits of an O'Donoghue rapparee
April 2015 Captain Right – The Rightboy Movement of the late 18th century

Next steps

Are there more O'Donoghue rapparees out there?

To Hell or Connaught

In 1641 the Gaelic Irish revolted against the English government and formed a rebel assembly known as the Confederation of Kilkenny.  The insurrection  was crushed mercilessly by Cromwell's army.  Large scale confiscation of land followed and owners of around 11m acres of land were driven and their property given to Protestant colonists.  The Galic Irish were told to re-settle north of the Shannon in Connaught or they would be put the sword and their souls condemned by the Puritans to Hell

Short term objective

A journal article

Next stage

Find someone to tackle this subject

The Irish in Victorian London (or any other major British city)

Irish left Ireland for London in the 19th C. in their thousands.  The story of rural Irish into the horror that the East End of London represented is in many family histories.  But most of them survived and many of us have benefited from their endeavours.


Journal articles
April 2004 The Irish migration to Britain in the nineteenth century

Next steps

Much more could be done

The Battle of Clontarf 1014

This battle represented the end of Viking supremacy in Ireland and O'Donoghues were prominent


Journal article

October 2014 The Battle of Clontarf – 1014

Objective achieved

O’Donoghue Halls of Fame

O'Donoghues have figured large in many fields of endeavour and still do.  This project portrays their achievements through a series of focused articles

To date we have covered

January 2003: Focus on Sport
April 2003: Focus on Music (1)
July 2004: Focus on Speed
October 2004: Focus on Magic
January 2005: Focus on Entertainment
April 2005: Focus on Media
July 2005: Focus on Art (1)
October 2005: Focus on Medicine
April 2009 Focus on The natural world
July 2013 Focus on Dance
October 2014 Focus on reaching for the stars

Next stages

Find more people to cover other areas of expertise

World War Two and the Irish

While Ireland remained neutral in this war, many Irish fought in the British Army.  This project would address the story in and outside Ireland


Journal articles as follows
October 2013 Squadron Leader Charles O'Donoghue Killed in Action
April 2014 World War II history of Lemuel Larkin Donoho

Next stage

Find someone to take this on