General Irish landscape: Ireland is incredibly beautiful
The Lakes of Killarney: A wonder of the western world
The Rock of Cashel: An awe-inspiring sight in Tipperary
Muckross Abbey: Franciscan friary founded in 15th century

Other crests

Other crests have been found which I have not yet been able to identify with any individual O’Donoghue sept or family.

O’Donnoghue (Iri.)

The crest: On a mount, vert, a peacock, az., spotted, or. Source: Fairbairn’s Crests of Britain and Ireland 1860




O’Donochoo (Iri.)

The crest: The traditional style is an arm, in armour, embowed, in hand a sword, entwined with a serpent, head towards handle as shown for The O’Donoghue of the Glens and O’Donoghue Mór.

Variants of this are shown as (1) an arm, in armour, embowed, in hand a sword and (2) an arm, embowed, in hand a sword, entwined with a serpent, head away from handle at top of blade hanging down.

These probably were the differences adopted by cadet or subsidiary lines of the main families.

Source: Fairbairn’s Crests of Britain and Ireland 1860

Specific research interests