The person to whom granted: Monsieur Edouard O’Donoughue
Current person entitled: Not known
The blazon: D’azur, à la harpe d’argent, à la champagne de gueules chargée d’une girouette d’argent accostée de deux girouettes d’or.
Translated: Blue, a silver harp, on a champagne (straight base or plain terrace), gules, charged with a silver weather cock or vane, accosted (applied to a charge supported on both sides by other charges) by two others in gold.
There are several different weather vanes, some with cocks at the top, some with arrows etc, as these arms were granted in 1946 we have assumed the more historic cocks.
Champagne: A plain point, being a line drawn across the base of the shield at the nombril (a quarter of the shield).
Nombril: The point in the shield (see left) between the middle base point (J) and the fess point (M).
The crest: Not known
The motto: Not known
Where and when first registered: Institut Généalogique Drouin (I.G.D), Québec, Canada 1946
The Drouin Genealogical Institute (l’Institut Généalogique Drouin) was for nearly a century the largest Quebec company producing genealogical trees. In 1990, the genealogical patrimony was sold and the new company changed its mission completely.
Research carried out: Have tried to trace this man and his family without success
Ongoing questions: Who was this man and do family members survive?
Sources and acknowledgements:
Koller, F. and Schillings, A. et Un Comte International – Armorial Universel, Bruxelles 1951
Bertolero, Nic and Rick from Armorial Gold