US Political Graveyards
The Web Site That Tells Where the Dead US Politicians are Buried
USA Historical people and documents
USA Historical people and documents
USA Archives
USA Archives
Barkerville Cemetery
The Barkerville Cemetery is located in a historic gold rush town in the Cariboo Region of B.C. The town was formed in 1862 when gold was discovered by William Billy Barker on Williams Creek. Between 1862 and 1870 over 100,000 people travelled the Cariboo Waggon Road converging on the goldfields and the boomtown called Barkerville. […]
Census of Canada 1911
Conducted under the provisions of the Census and Statistics Act (1905), the Fifth General Census of Canada began on 01 June and collected information related to each inhabitant of the country, including place of habitation, marital status, age, place of birth, religion, occupation, education, etc. The Census of Canada 1911 covered the nine provinces (British […]
Post 1901 Census Project
Post 1901 Census Project
Ontario Marriage Registrations
Part 1: 1800 – 1924 Marriages arranged by county, from sources other than post-1869 civil registrations Part 2: 1869-1917 Ontario Archives
British Home Children sent to Canada
100,000 British Home Children were sent to Canada by over fifty childcare organizations from 1870-1940. These alleged orphan children were often mistreated and suffered abuse and neglect as indentured farm labourers. Few of the British Home Children were able to find their families once abandoned in Canada by the organizations that deported them. Many of […]
Young Immigrants to Canada
Genealogical information on home children and other immigrants to Canada
Genealogical Research Library – Canada
Our library is the premier source of genealogy in Canada,and our “databank” has reached a new grand total of 15 million ancestors. This databank includes people who lived between the years 1600 and 1915 in every province and territory of Canada. A new feature has been added: the “Assemble Family Search”, which allows you to […]