Research Service

We recognise that our members’ primary objective is to progress their personal family history.  We have the capability to help.

We will advise members on their research programme, help to define next steps and if time allows do some actual research.

We are very fortunate to have an experienced genealogist from whose guidance the society benefits:

Paula Kennedy’s maternal grandmother was an O’Donoghue.  She completed an online diploma in Irish genealogy at the Universities of Limerick and Cork and then moved on to complete an MSc in Genealogical, Palaeographic and Heraldic Studies at the University of Strathclyde. 

Between us we have access to many of the mainstream online genealogical services.

Please make the initial contact with Rod at providing the information required on this Project input page.  He will liaise, as necessary, with  Paula and the other volunteers as to the best next steps.

We also have volunteers who can provide local expertise.  They are listed below

Name                                       Country
Annie Handley                       Australia
Helen O’Donoghue                Australia
Jim Horgan                             USA

In order to help researchers with their genealogical education and project progress we have provided some aids accessed on the link below

Researcher Training

Specific research interests