June Snippet: Response Two posted..The Curse

Contributed by Anita Donohoe The Curse: “In every generation, only one son will have a son who will carry on the family name.” There is a legend/curse in our Donohoe line where, in every generation, there will be only one male who will carry on the family name. Cursed by a widow, whose only son […]

June Snippet – Response One posted

Contributed by Kielan Donahue My second cousin’s wife, upon meeting his mother, says her[the mother in law’s] first words to her[the wife] were something along the lines of “Oh, I heard you’ve met my son, I’m sorry”. If that doesn’t qualify as black sheep I don’t know what does  

May Snippet: Response One posted

Contributed by Roger Key I think that we could safely classify my Great Grandfather, William Patrick O’Donoghue as a pioneer. William was born  on the 20th or 22nd June 1862. ( We are still trying to find out where) William had the dubious honour of having his name listed in the Police records the day […]

The story of O’Donoghue People and Places and John Donohue’s 80th

Sometimes a cock up works out for the best…not often, but it did on this occasion. Tim Donohue sent me a book order.  I didn't read it properly and instead of sending him Heroic Landscapes: Irish Myth & Legend I sent O'Donoghue People and Places.  Perhaps it was a busy day! Tim pointed out my […]

What’s going on in The O’Donoghue Society?

My periodic update, in shorthand, on our progress.  In the June email I covered the results of our March survey.  Projects and volunteering After the survey we set up a number of projects.  Here’s three: Laura Bravo, Truman Donoho, Dee Gilmore-Stewart and I will be working on a 12 point programme to improve our communications […]

The Scattering: Images of immigrants from an Irish County by Ann Jones

I recently bought a book called "the Scattering, Images of immigrants from an Irish County " by Ann Jones.  I thought it would be historical in nature and was a bit taken back when I found that it was really a contemporary look at a more recent group of people who find their life away from County Clare.  […]

Banksy’s lesson of life and what we do

"I mean they say you die twice.  One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time."  Banksy Isn't this what we do as family historians?  We never let the memory vanish…  

Poem for genealogists

Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time That I might find the roots that made This family tree of mine   Lord, help me trace the ancient roads, On which my father's trod And led them through so many lands To find our present sod.   Lord, help me […]

Missing relatives in the 19th and early 20th centuries – newspapers.com

Timothy Donohue emailed me with The site Newspapers.com is filled with the old missing relative adds and although it has never served me I know from talking to people they have found it a good resource. Apparently this was an easy way for 18th century newspapers to get revenue from new immigrants with the hope of […]