Old Saorstat Eireann (Irish Free State 1922 to 1937) post box spotted
From Michael Fortune of Folklore.ie Spotted this yesterday – an old Saorstát Éireann post box. I pass it the whole time and said I’d better stop and get a snap of it. These Saorstát Éireann are rare these days and this one’s still in use. This one was made by WT Allen & Co., London […]
A secret room in Ross Castle?
An O’Connor friend of mine had read somewhere that Ross Castle had a secret room found in the 1930s. It had a mural of a figure kneeling with hands joined. Is this true? If so, was it the O’D or a priest? I asked Ross Castle branch of the Office of Public Works and a […]
A fifteenth century Ó Donnchadha bishop at Kilmacduagh in County Galway
In 2003 and 2004 I ran a series of articles on the abbeys, monasteries and clerics of the name before the dissolution of the Catholic church establishments in the 16th century A beautiful, large, ruined site is that of Kilmacduagh in the south of County Galway close to the Clare boundary. The Bishop’s Palace (left) […]
Cavan Roots from Ireland Reaching Out
For those with Cavan roots please check this out County in Focus – Cavan | Ireland Reaching Out (irelandxo.com)