Flying Stories Two
I spent my working life bumming round the world in planes – you experience a lot in over 40 years I was flying up from Jakarta in Indonesia to Singapore on a Garuda Airlines plane – Garuda was not very well regarded at that time! The bloke in the seat next to me worked for […]
Flying Stories One – It was a dark and stormy night…
It was a dark and stormy night….. By Tim Donohue (Member 577 and retired airline pilot) of Chico, California, USA It was truly a dark and stormy night across the West Coast as I prepared for my final flight of the day, a San Francisco to Burbank journey. It was late, and we were hours […]
The O’Donoghue Society flying stories blog launched
Tim Donohue’s article in the January journal ‘It was a dark and stormy night…’ gave me the idea of a blog that we can all join in So Tim’s article is up on the Blog And I will post one to get us going