
The Blogs are multi-purpose and can be used for any subject that is judged of interest to members. In relation to specific family history enquiries the Family History/Genealogy Blog replaces the old Forums. The latter have been archived and can be accessed if requested.

Blogs are distinguished from the Journal which is for longer, well researched articles usually, but not exclusively, of a historical or genealogical nature.

This page lists all blogs in date order. The links to the left allow you to see the blogs categorised by subject matter. To add Comments click on the Category and then on the title to the blog you wish to contribute to.

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From An Idea to A Good Idea

I emailed everyone on 5 April "I was driving back from a game of golf this morning and was listening to a radio programme on

Spanish flu epidemic 1917

Shane Patrick O'Donoghue submitted "I recall my Irish family forebears saying how the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1917 had affected the venues of Sunday Mass

Irish Ancestors web site

John Grenham's work is terrific  He has just launched maps showing RC baptisms for every parish where our name is involved.  Go to