The Blogs are multi-purpose and can be used for any subject that is judged of interest to members. In relation to specific family history enquiries the Family History/Genealogy Blog replaces the old Forums. The latter have been archived and can be accessed if requested.
Blogs are distinguished from the Journal which is for longer, well researched articles usually, but not exclusively, of a historical or genealogical nature.
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Contributed by Tom Donahue My grandfather Patrick Donohue, who came to the US around 1850, was born In Kilmuckridge in Wexford. He was illiterate when
Contributed by James Donohoe The Donohoes of Co.Cavan and Australia The Donohoe family of Hugh Donohoe and Mary Garrity of Derra Cassin, near Templeport, Co.
Sometimes a cock up works out for the best…not often, but it did on this occasion. Tim Donohue sent me a book order. I didn't
Contributed by Roderick O'Donoghue When Rod announced that the subject of the April snippet would be "The Family Farm", my immediate reaction was that i
Contributed by Mike O'Donoghue I thought you might like this photo from our celebration of St Patrick’s day. They made the local bar into an
Contributed by Jim Horgan My wife, Bridget and I made our first visit to the O'Donoghue farm in 1989. Bridget's mom was an O'Donoghue and this
Contributed by Roderick O'Donoghue "Books are like unsown seeds. When they open up and are allowed to sow their own seeds in our minds, their
Contributed by Mike Donahue An anthology of newspaper columns written by Finley Peter Dunne helped me understand what life was like in Chicago when my
Contributed by Tim Donohue So many to choose from. Certainly your books Heroic Landscapes:Irish Myth and Legend and O'Donoghue-People and Places would be a good
Submitted by Marcia Anne Donahue My family, formerly landed gentry and once the noble occupiers of a formidable castle, which they themselves had built, had