Bernard Donohoe becomes Bernard Benjamin Montague Dunchue, how/why/when? – HELP

HELP I need HELP- PLEASE.     I have been endeavouring to research the mystery surrounding the DUNCHUE family background off and on for forty years and possible you may remember the two articles I have written, especially the one entitled Bernard Benjamin Montague Dunchue Mystery Man.   I have resumed my research as a Memorial to my […]

The Reluctant Rogue Cop

I have been busy writing novels or novellas. I just had the first one published on Amazon. UK (The Reluctant Rogue Cop) I have the second one ready to go and hope to publish it in about a month. I haven’t time for much else because of the writing and still must finish the third […]

Dunnahoo – a Dunn married a Hugh?

Recently I spoke to an elderly West Cork lady. She opened our conversation with the following: “Did you know that we pronounce your name DUNNAHOO? And that the name came about because of a Dunn marrying a Hugh? I didn’t reply hoping she would continue but when she didn’t, I said, “I always thought the […]