February snippet: How the Famine affected my family – Case 3

Submitted by Marcia Anne Donahue My family, formerly landed gentry and once the noble occupiers of a formidable castle, which they themselves had built, had their ranks decimated by the famine to the point that ONE SOLE SURVIVOR was left; either he or his son, was eventually obligated to flee his homeland, probably for political […]

February snippet: How the Famine affected my family – Case 2

Submitted by Bob Donahue I don't know if this is of interest to this month's blog question, but the topic is intriguing to me because my own genealogical research has presented me with a puzzle.   Overall, I'm 1/2 Irish/English (dad's side) and 1/4 Irish + 1/4 Québecois (mom's side).  I became hooked on genealogy […]

February snippet: How the Famine affected my family – Case 1

Submitted by Carol Hurley The indescribably harsh decade of the Irish Famine turned out to be in time a positive happening for my Irish Immigrant ancestors and their descendants.    My paternal greatgrandfather was Thomas Hurley.  According to son’s written history, Thomas was born in 1815 to Jeremiah Hurley and Honora Fitzgerald, in County Kerry, somewhere […]