Family History Research

We recognise that our members’ primary objective is to progress their personal family history.  We have the capability to help in many ways.

Our family history service is personalised and, while it may or may not provide you with the answers you seek, our best efforts will have been exerted.

For those who are starting out on their project we offer some guidance and Research training.

With an optional O’, five vowels and a silent g in an anglicised version of an original Gaelic Irish O Donnchadha, it is not too surprising that there are over 800 different versions of our name.

Your personal research interests in terms of specific ancestors can be logged under Research Interests

In Family Trees you will find many other heritages that might just be linked to yours.

Many people have made important data available to the society and this is shared in our Resources area.  There are a number of really good sources included.  Society volunteers also undertake projects to provide new material for members of the society.  The County Clusters Project is currently being worked on by three volunteers.  They are endeavouring to provide data on people of the name by Irish county/parish/townland from land and census records.  In due course we hope to move on to births/marriages/deaths.

The images on this page are

  1. General Irish landscape
  2. Connemara
  3. Green meadows of Dingle
  4. Irish farmhouse


Specific research interests