For these next two pieces of music (Coming Soon) I am indebted to Tom Donahue of Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
The score for this tune is to be found in Volume II of Thomas Crofton Crokers’ Legends of the Lakes or, Sayings and Doings at Killarney, published by John Eber’s & Co., London in 1829. This is an extract from the book – a conversation between the author and the local piper, Mr Gandsey
“Waiter, some whiskey punch. – Gandsey, I wish to hear ‘The Eagle’s Whistle’ so I think the war march of the O’Donoghue is called – you can play it of course.” “Without any doubt I can do that same”, returned Gandsey….
“Now, sir – but first, if you please, suppose, sir, that I give you, because you see it is the oldest of the two war marches of the O’Donoghue, ‘the Step of the Glens’.” Here Gandsey played the barbarous strain, which the reader will find annexed, No.1. “Oh ’tis the O’Donoghues were the boys that could stir their stumps down the side of a mountain,” said Gandsey, when he had concluded. “And now, sir, here’s the Eagle’s Whistle; that was their other war march you know.”
We have included two versions of this tune
Seamus Ennis playing the tin whistle on Irish Pipe and Tin Whistle songs, Legacy International, CD 313