Kitty formed Roheen Records in 1987 to promote her recordings. The following are reviews of her CD’s, in descending order from the most recent, "This Road Tonight" and "There Are No Words" (2001) to "Sparks Fly Upward" (1992) to "Farmer in Florida" (1987). Also in 1987 Kitty recorded a tape of mostly original Michigan songs called "Bunyan and Banjoes"that, although never reviewed, has remained immensely popular with teachers, parents and history buffs. For more on that project please go to the CD’s page.
Doug Berch and Kitty | Tyler Duncan, Kitty and David Mosher pre-gig primping
This Road Tonight (2001)
It’s been almost 10 years since Michigan-based songwriter Kitty Donohoe’s last recording. She took time off to sort out her career, raise a family, and settle personal matters before re-ermerging with a new recording that shows her as a stronger, more confident musician. "This Road Tonight" is a well crafted recording in all the most positive ways. This is a recording where everything just sounds "right". One thing that hasn’t changed in her time off is her voice; it’s as rich and compelling as ever. She has an amazing range with a flexibility that few other singers have. Donohoe’s songwriting is even stronger than it was before her hiatus. "This Road Tonight" is a welcome return by a songwriter who’s been gone far too long – let’s hope it doesn’t take another 10 years for the next one.
Dirty Linen
This is a beautifully produced, well written and expertly played collection of Kitty Donohoe songs that is driven by percussive rhythms and textured instrumentation that feels both contemporary and firmly rooted in tradition. There is a Celtic flavor that permeates throughout these twelve songs and tunes [and] the arrangements are lush and Kitty’s voice is, well, gorgeous. "This Road Tonight" is so beautifully programmed, I encourage you to take an hour and listen to it in order, from beginning to end.
Sing Out!
It is probably to Michigan-based singer songwriter Kitty Donohoe’s benefit that she is an American artist. Given our penchant for pigeonholing, a release as subtly diverse as this would cause confusion. Hopefully she will gain the same deserved recognition as Dar Williams and Lucy Kaplansky. A beautiful blend of the new and the traditional new and rooted in the Irish music she absorbed living in the Corktown district of Detroit, Kitty manages to stretch the listener by the sureness of her music. This is intelligent, literate songwriting infused with an
inherent optimism.
Tweeddale Press, Ltd – England
Mike Lynch and Glenn Brown run sound | Tyler Duncan
Farmer in Florida (1987)
This debut album of singer-songwriter Kitty Donohoe has been long awaited and
features the support of some of the area’s finest instrumentalists. Donohoe’s voice
is clear and strong. Her vocal flexibility shines in a number of places…the album’s
production is clean and simple, only using acoustic instruments which color and
never clutter these literate new songs.
Sing Out!
Michigan’s Kitty Donohoe is no newcomer to the folk scene, and her professional
polish makes this, her first album release, shine. This largely original collection is
a rich synthesis of tradtional British Isles, American blues and country. What is most striking about this album though is Kitty’s singing…rich, flexible, soaring,
haunting…one of those rare voices that I could listen to for hours.
Victory Music Review
Kitty Donohoe and her Michigan fans have cause to be proud:this album is well
beyond any sort of "local entertainer" quality…it’s remarkably unlike a
first album.